

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Enjoy Reading "The Long Lost Garden of Eden" and "California Blooms, Blossoms, and Harvest Delights"

The re-release of two new books of poetry for your Kindle:


"California Blooms, Blossoms, and Harvest Delights: Golden Vignettes From Big Sur, Pacific Coast Highway, California Scenic Highway 1 to Yosemite and Highway 99" is a book of poetry that focuses on the diversity of the people, the beauty of the land, bounty of agricultural products, entertainment industry, Pacific Coast beaches, and natural infrastructures and resources such as Big Sur, Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Scenic Highway 1, San Francisco Bridge etc. These poems compel you to meditate on all the common things that tend to show our interdependence and sameness. Poems such as 'Abrahamic Promise,' 'Bridges of California,' 'Autumn's Bare Limbs,' 'Cry Over Manzanar,' 'Pastoral Delights,' 'Freeway and Highway Crosses,' 'Harvesting Delights and Fall Transition,' 'Open Range...,' 'Roosting Marvels, Roosting Headache,' 'Tamales for the Holidays' are among those that will strike a personal chord with most of you.

California Blooms, Blossoms, and Harvest Delights: Golden Vignettes From Big Sur, Pacific Coast Highway, California Scenic Highway 1 to Yosemite and Highway 99

Purchase a PDF Copy of the whole book right here:

You can also purchase this ebook at Amazon.com. Download it to your kindle or your computer!

This book is an eclectic collection of poems and short essays on California's people and landscape, wine, beach and car culture. Wordsworth summarizes my poetic affinity, "Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings; it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility." California Blooms, Blossoms, and Harvest Delights deals with this expansive, rich and fertile landscape in a way that readers will quickly recognize the important landmarks, features and attributes of the Golden state. It pinpoints areas of appreciation and highlights important cultural contributions and activities of the various ethnic and minority groups forming this new frontier, Central California. "Our hills and farmland are blooming with new houses and commercial buildings bordering fields of grazing cows." This is an uplifting and thought-provoking work.

Buy This Book Here:

Purchase a copy of the new edition of "California Blooms, Blossoms, and Harvest Delights" from Amazon Kindle now

This book was previously released in 2003 with these cover pictures. Familiarize yourself with the title of the book!


The Long Lost Garden of Eden is a tribute to the fruit growers of the Central Valley of California and all other agriculture-derived industries. Mr. Charles remains true to his upbringing deeply rooted in agribusiness. This book is the result of his keen observations and 12-year research into what makes the San Joaquin Valley one of the most fertile lands in the country. His poems will give you a glimpse of the Central Valley's diversity. His research has culminated into the realization that the Central Valley of California, locked between Southern and Northern California, is the fruit basket of the world. This collection will engage your mind and soul. It will provoke deep reflection that will lead to enlightenment, positive attitude and spiritual renewal. The themes of these poems are universal. Artistic appreciation, hope, beauty, love, loss, hard work, self-improvement, despair, migration, and drought are all themes anybody can relate to, irrelevant of their origins and taste.

Buy this book now: Buy a copy of the new edition of "The Long Lost Garden of Eden" from Kindle now.

Buy this new, updated edition of the book now: Buy a copy of the new edition of "The Long Lost Garden of Eden" from Kindle now.

The Long Lost Garden of Eden:

Email Delivery of PDF copy of "The Long Lost Garden of Eden."

Author's Notes: Mr. Charles is the sole author of "The Long Lost Garden of Eden."He knows nothing about this guy named 'Brendan Conlee' who has published the book as a paperback on many online sites including ebay.com, amazon.com, abebooks.com, bookfinder.com, shopping.com, barnesandnoble.com, allbookstores.com, dealtime.com, abebooks.co.uk, chegg.com, bestsellingbooks.biz, bookbyte.com, swap.com, tower.com, biggerbooks.com. If and when you buy a copy of this book published by or associated with 'Brendan Conlee,' you are just supporting a plagiarist. Mr. Charles has not received a response from the previous publisher, PublishAmerica.com, which certifies that the book has been out of print since December 27, 2009 due to the expiration of the contract. Despite this aggressive marketing of the book published on all the above sites, Mr. Charles has not received any royalties. It is fair to suggest that 'Brendan Conlee' who claims to be a co-author of "The Long Lost Garden of Eden" has been receiving all the royalties. So stop buying the book if it is associated with him. Return the copies you had already bought. This way, you will help Mr. Charles, the true author of the book. Help stop plagiarism!!!!!Please help correct a major wrong!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

'Abrahamic Promise,' A Poem Excerpted from "California Blooms, Blossom, and Harvest Delights..."

California Blooms, Blossoms, and Harvest Delights: Golden Vignettes From Big Sur, Pacific Coast Highway, California Scenic Highway 1 to Yosemite and Highway 99

Purchase a PDF Copy of the whole book right here:

You can also purchase this ebook at Amazon.com. Download it to your kindle or your computer!

Abrahamic Promise

The Orthodox Jew embraces the Palestinian, Arab, and Gentile

All of them finally recognize their brotherly lineage

In the desert, they can trace their

Ancestry to the One who was called to leave

Everything behind to start a long journey

Ecumenical, interfaith, religious pluralism, mixed marriages

Interracial, biracial, biracialism, two-religion families,

Mix-raced, multiracial, multifaith are modern coinage

They are discovery terms and expressions that bring us

Closer to the fulfillment of the long-awaited promise

Of brotherhood, harmony, and union. One we are indeed!

Farewell to the hypocrisy of the past social contracts

Farewell to the anti-miscegenation laws which

Favored only one group who called the shots

Yet, covert or exploited interracial unions begat

Biracial offspring even to the Founders of this nation

Farewell to Jim Crow and all evil systems oppressing

A man’s own blood and family. Call him a deadbeat dad!

It’s not time to save face and social position any longer

The scattered children are tired of living in the shadows

The Israelis break the bread of peace with

Their Palestinian and Arab brothers. Then they share the same tent

Of reconciliation and complete brotherhood.

Oh Jerusalem, let the angel of peace stop the bloodbath and unite your children!

Let them realize what matters most as both groups

Are not foreign to suffering and tribulations

The museum of Tolerance presents powerful shows

Of the holocaust and past struggles of African-Americans

The pictures of Iraqi, Rwandan genocide victims and

Palestinian militants are archived in newsrooms database

Let the non-Jew have his bar mitzvah at the temple

His Muslim interracial parents will appreciate the gesture

After all, it’s a rite of passage just like Quinceaneras

In the Hispanic culture

We have Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa,

And many ethnic, religious celebrations in the Valley

The Americans will wait for their Russian, Vietnamese

Or South American brides in the true practices of

Democracy, freedom of choice and association

Love can’t ever be regulated any longer.

The Asian grooms will cherish their English brides

The Africans will freely pick their European sweethearts

The Indian immigrants will abolish all old-country

Divisive systems. Only America guarantees such a melting pot!

Differences of skin tone, facial features, wealth, and language

Should not matter any longer

We are all sons and daughters of Adam and Eve (Acts 17:26)

For we were alike before we were different

From the dirt we all came; to it we shall return some day

Then, the floods wiped out everyone

The gene pool was narrowed back down to Noah’s family

The same human blood is running through our veins

Moses married an Ethiopian woman

His brother and sister, Aaron and Miriam, spoke

Against him. They found displeasure in his union

Miriam’s skin was attacked with leprosy for 7 days

For her sharp tongue and criticism (Num.12:1-15)

Bringing diverse people together found approval

After all, we are all one human family, with one father and many siblings

If you are interested in reading this ebook, you can purchase it right on this site.

Soon, it will also be available on Amazon.com. You can purchase it to read on your Kindle

California Blooms, Blossoms, and Harvest Delights: Golden Vignettes From Big Sur, Pacific Coast Highway, California Scenic Highway 1 to Yosemite and Highway 99

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Released by Lulu under "Sixto D. Rodriguez's Philosophy and Next Album: Rodriguez's eBook Guide to Happiness (And After That's Said, Forget it)"

Sixto D. Rodriguez's Philosophy and Next Album: Rodriguez's eBook Guide to Happiness (And After That's Said, Forget it)

Get a copy of this ebook to find out why the once unaware but now famous rock and roll artist should release his next album. This is a case for the next album!

"Sixto Diaz Rodriguez’s Philosophy and Next Album: Rodriguez’s eBook Guide to Happiness" is about the man, the legend, and the genius who was not aware of his Rock and Roll fame in other parts of the world. It is about Jesus Rodriguez. Sixto Diaz Rodriguez or Rodriguez, the folk musician from Detroit, Michigan who has been given a rebirth thanks to the efforts of two South Africans who launched a search party to find out what happened to their favorite singer and song-writer.

Support independent publishing: Buy this e-book on Lulu.

Rodriguez, as he prefers to be called now, produced two albums, Cold Fact and Coming From Reality, respectively in 1971 and 1972. They received rave reviews, but they did not sell enough copies. Bootleggers managed to take copies to South Africa and Australia where Rodriguez has had a huge following. He did not know about his popularity on those shores. He was busy demolishing and remodeling homes in the United States to make a living. Music was not paying his bills. The release of this movie/documentary "Searching for Sugar Man" was going to change things. As they say, the rest is just history. This ebook also invites you to hope that besides touring all over the world and showing the movie, Rodriguez will have enough time to work on some new material. He has overcome the oppression of the music industry only to become triumphant as the icon, folk singer, rock and roller, and prophet he is.

Get a copy of this ebook to find out why the once unaware but now famous rock and roll artist should release his next album. This is a case for the next album!

Author Kevin Levin made a good case with this ebook!

Order your PDF copy of the ebook:

Resurrection and Rebirth of a Hot Rock and Roller: Rodriguez (Sugar Man) Next Album 'Forget It!', Philosophy, and Wisdom

After seeing the documentary at a local theater, I wanted to find out everything I could on this amazing man, poet, father, song-writer, egoless musician or musical political. Then I found the review of this ebook about him.

You can purchase a copy of this ebook right here: Sixto Diaz Rodriguez's Philosophy: Rodriguez's eBook Guide to Happiness

Just like any viewer of the documentary, the question I continue to ask is how can he laugh despite what the music industry had put him through. No royalties despite the fact his two albums were selling like hotcakes in South Africa and Australia for more than 40 years. He is not really concerned over material possessions.

Answering a question asked by a journalist over the lack of royalties Rodriguez has not received for over 40 years, he replied, "“Hate is too strong an emotion to waste on somebody you don’t like..."

You can purchase a copy of this ebook right here: Sixto Diaz Rodriguez's Philosophy: Rodriguez's eBook Guide to Happiness

Rodriguez writes and sings about some universal themes. Most importantly, he writes about the subjects any Detroiter or any resident of Michigan can relate to. He writes about the people who inhabit his surroundings. Just like Philip Levine's body of works, Rodriguez writes about the working-class Detroit and the motif of the heartland. Rodriguez's songs are timeless and insightful. They are about drugs, love, lust, power, human frailty, greed, the rich and poor, the cry of children, the oppressed and the oppressor. No wonder that his music made him as popular if not more popular than Elvis, Dylan, and the Beatles put together in places such as South Africa and Australia. Rodriguez is the true example of the man who is not recognized by his own people but is made hero in another culture or beyond his own borders. He is a genius. A giant. A superhero anywhere else but his own country.

Thanks to Stephen Segerman (mispronounced as sugarman) and the South African fans!

Thanks to Malik Bendjelloul for Searching for Sugar Man!

The PDF copy of this ebook is available below:

Book Review

"Sixto Diaz Rodriguez’s Philosophy: Rodriguez’s eBook Guide to Happiness" is about the man, the legend, and the genius who was not aware of his Rock and Roll fame in other parts of the world. It is about Jesus Rodriguez. Sixto Diaz Rodriguez, the folk musician from Detroit, Michigan who has been given a rebirth thanks to the efforts of two South Africans who launched a search party to find out what happened to their favorite singer and song-writer. Rodriguez, as he prefers to be called now, produced two albums, Cold Fact and Coming From Reality, respectively in 1971 and 1972. They received rave reviews, but they did not sell enough copies. Bootleggers managed to take copies to South Africa and Australia where Rodriguez has had a huge following. He did not know about his popularity on those shores. He was busy demolishing and remodeling homes in the United States to make a living. Music was not paying his bills. The release of this movie/documentary "Searching for Sugar Man" was going to change things. As they say, the rest is just history.

You can purchase a copy of this ebook right here: Sixto Diaz Rodriguez's Philosophy: Rodriguez's eBook Guide to Happiness